Pricing for Birdview users
Start-up fee
Asset management fee
2% / year of assets under management
AI Portfolio Manager fee
2% of total of profitable transaction
AI Trade Agent fee
2% of total of profitable transaction
Crypto assets are kept safe and in full reserve. We charge 0.2% on an annual basis for this. Transactions within the AI Portfolio Manager portfolio are charged 0.2% per transaction.
AI Portfolio Manager fee
If a trade is closed with a loss - no fee
If a trade is closed with a profit - 2% of profitable transaction (for example, a trade is closed with a P&L of $100, the fee of the transaction is $2.
AI Trade Agent fee
If a trade is closed with a loss - no fee
If a trade is closed with a profit - 2% of profitable transaction (for example, a trade is closed with a P&L of $100, the fee of the transaction is $2.
Last updated