💰Profit Share

Launching $BDVW - The path to ownership with profit-sharing incentives.

Decentralization runs through the core of Birdview.

Deploying a native token paves the path towards that end goal. It will ultimately enable community ownership of Birdview itself.

The token (ticker: $BDVW) grants holders a direct stake in Birdview by giving them a pro-rata share of platform profits — and as you can see below, Birdview is designed to be a reliable revenue generator.

Crypto assets are kept safe and in full reserve. We charge 0.2% on an annual basis for this. Transactions within the AI Portfolio Manager portfolio are charged 0.2% per transaction.

The profit share is powered by the revenue of the platform, with 50% of platform profits redirected to $BDVW token holders.

The precise mechanic is outlined in the table below.

The profits can be claimed directly from the dashboard in the token holders app. When claimed, token holders will receive their share of profits with USDT in their wallets.

Last updated